"Pescatore’s 'gravitron ride' of syntax and spacial manipulation induces a fever pitch of disorientation and giddy weightlessness. His diction is a slurry of high, stoned and made up. In these pages there’s an insane ejaculation of light whim and desire as we head West. Pescatore keeps shoving us off a ledge and in the free fall we come to realize we’re belayed by some fried logic after all."
- Tim Staley of Grandma Moses Press
Boxcar Bop is the story of Ken and Braun Rodman, two interdimensional hobos traveling across America, while being pursued by bounty hunter Valentine Green, who intends to capture and return the two interlopers to the dimension from which they came. Part cut-up, part stream of consciousness, part poetry and part prose, Boxcar Bop is a pastoral abstract jam that doubles as a social commentary on old vs new, queerness, gender identity, homelessness and gentrification, control, poverty, happiness, struggle, wandering.
T.C. Pescatore can sometimes be seen wandering along the Walt Whitman bridge or down the sidewalks of Philadelphia's old Skid Row. His first poetry collection Go, On Breathe Freely is out now from Chatter House Press.