
Run Amok Books Logo


SUBMISSIONS: In fiction, we are looking for works with marginalized voices, out of the ordinary stories, and anything that might be considered off-the beaten-path (yes, the fringe). However, keep in mind that we are generally not fans of vampires, zombies, or anything that involves magic wands and the likes. We publish adult fiction only--mainly crime and some literary fiction. No YA fiction please. Also note that we NO LONGER publish poetry. We are not actively looking for nonfiction; however, if we were, we prefer humorous memoirs, essays and creative nonfiction. Please no cookbooks, and nothing related to health, spirituality, or religion (see above motto). In fiction, we’ll look at just about anything. That’s about it. So fire away.

HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit a cover letter, synopsis, and the full ms through STACK (the button is above). Please make sure that your name is on the manuscript somewhere. We will respond with an initial e-mail to let you know we have received your submission. A final decision can take anywhere between 2 weeks and 6 months. Apologies for that, but we are a small press and our staff and resources are limited.

ACCEPTANCE: Please be aware that we will take the quality of the ms into account while we are reviewing it. If we feel it is not ready to publish as is (or very close to it), we will most likely reject it. If we love the book and feel that it’s ready to publish, we’ll begin negotiating a contract with the author. At that time, we will also discuss an author's advance and author’s royalty rates, as well as the publishers and authors responsibilities for getting the book to press.

We are using STACK Submissions Manager. Follow the link below to submit. (You need to register first--requires an email and password only.)         

Stack Button